

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3e6eiYmAHQ  The video is about organizational theory. It is based on the speaker's personal experience as a patient at a large hospital in Tokyo. The speaker discusses the challenges of large organizations, particularly the difficulty of coordinating care for individual patients across different departments. They argue that while large hospitals have many advantages, such as access to specialists, they can also be inefficient and impersonal.

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すぷりんぐ はず かむ

メンタルクリニックに行って お話 してきました。 (*^_^*) 姉のこと。 貸金庫のこと。 母親とのこと。 慶応の サークルのこと。 (⇐あまりに 闇すぎて 今まで 話さなかったこと。) クエチアピンのこと。 すげえ スッキリしました。 春が来た...