conversation in English
俺:I went to Ibaraki University this weekend. The class on the history of Middle Eurasia. As you know, this term I have been to several domestic areas, using Shinkansen. Whenever I take the Shinkansen, I witness so-called ‘in-bounds’. No exceptions. Japan's economy almost completely depends on the money they spend in Japan, and the exports of the cars. It is high time Japan should grow out of make-believe in Sakoku, and brace for the fact that she should recognize how grave impacts the graying society problem will give to herself. ジョンさん:The solution to graying is one Japan cannot take. It would destroy the fabric of traditional society and rob Japan of its uniqueness. ie: mass immigration. You wouldn’t want to live in such a country. It would be worse than the USA and it’s open borders under Biden. 俺:It's understandable what you say. And Japanese people have been ignoring this problem for a long time. Natural increases in birth rate policy are too difficult to be taken. PM Kishida was trying to take this policy by tax increase but many many Japanese people are rejecting it. They are too irresponsible to justify themselves. Conservative policy is too late to be taken. I believe Japanese society can absorb immigrants naturally if it's not too rapid to accept them. Ryuunosuke Akutagawa named it an 'altering power', which meant negative aspects for him. The Japanese authenticity issue is not a new one. They are very flexible to this problem I believe. Akutagawa was annoyed by Japanese culture's inconsistency, but it sometimes works positively. Cultural conflicts you mention fit with in Canada for an example. It has let the immigrants remote from each other and a cultural unity was damaged. The most important thing is to assimilate them without forcing it. A xenophobic policy is popular in Japan alike. But albeit it means the success of Korean cultural diplomacy, they are now very friendly to Koreans despite the hate demo that took place for the first several years in 2000's. Ango Sakaguchi claimed Japanese cultural uniqueness is nothing but an illusion or delusion. I believe it goes as long as the Japanese can take the social initiative after all.
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