
conversation in English

俺:The poll turned out to be that Kishida cabinet's support rate is the lowest in these 10 years since Naoto Kan' s cabinet. I wonder who could have done better than Kishida. Asahi poll is showing the best next PM is Shinjiro Koizmi. I doubt Japanese people is taking politics seriously. ジョンさん:He might be a generally competent leader, but he doesn’t arouse passions in the public, be they positive or negative. Perhaps people like more flamboyant leadership? Koizumi, Abe, Tanaka come to mind.The public is fickle. 俺:What he should overcome was mainly passed onto by Abe. He has been doing well I believe. Not only that, he bravely challenged at the problem of the graying society.I guess Japanese people are mistaking politicians like as TV celebrities who are completely susceptible to their sense of liking. ジョンさん:Perhaps so! Not unsimilar to Western politics where celebrities are often successful getting elected, regardless if they have governing ability. 俺:There is little room for Japan to relax in a political euphoria. What we have to do is enduring tough conditions with not a short time, which is remote from taken seriously by many of voters, is inevitable to redress Japanese economy to the sustainable direction and is extremely difficult to be supported after the respite mood of Abe era. We have already almost completely run out of political resource. ジョンさん:No matter how bad Japan’s economy gets people really don’t see any political solutions from either major party. Indifference and resignation rule. People just “gaman “ as always and move on with life. “Shikata ga nai “ is the feeling. A populist line Trump might emerge, but I doubt they would be as astute politically as Donald. No real change can ever come from politicians in Japan. “Like Trump” 俺:Japanese voters voters have a strong allergy for the consumption tax. They should have braced for it long before. But it's too late. Hard-line policy is unpopular. But the future will be very hard. ジョンさん:Americans believe high sales taxes inhibit consumer spending and economic growth. Many states have zero sales tax and thrive economically. Some states have 9% or higher sales taxes and struggle. Japan’s national rate is 10% which Americans think is outrageous. We would never have such a nation-wide tax. Individual states decide. I mistook, California is highest but it’s less than 9%. 俺:The high tax is an outcome of social welfare. The matter of the graying society. Politics have been playing to the elderly. The young people are indifferent to politics.

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思うに、 俺は 調子に乗っていたんだ。 折に触れて あの 政治学入門@三島の レポートは やっぱり ああいう内容に なるのが 必然だ、とは 思うが、 しかし、 俺は この世の中の 政治・経済を すべて 語ろうとした、あるいは 語った気になってい...