conversation in English
俺:Reviving Imperialismistic history, Naoki Hyakuta has shamelessly founded Nihon Hosyu party. There are many fools who are so touched by his aggressive perspectives that on twitter the party has gained many many followers. I don't believe it could grasp the ruling power, but it has already gained support from those who dream of the revival of Abe-like politics. They should know better than to commit the same mistake as WW2 when Japanese people were too blinded to reflect on themselves.
ジョンさん:My impression is that the average person is indifferent to politics and unaware of Japan’s militaristic and imperialist modern history. My guess is that Japanese students don’t really learn about the negative legacy of their recent past and are thus easily convinced to embrace such Abe-esque parties. I haven’t yet researched this party. I will when I have a chance. I can then comment more. What political ideology is Sankei Shimbun?
俺:Right wing I guess. But Sankei Shimbun is one of the nation-wide newspapers. So, albeit it has a hint of radicalism, it has relatively common sense I believe.
ジョンさん:Hyakuta seems like the most dangerous type of political dilettante. Rich people who crave attention in politics after being successful in other areas are dangerous men who get bored and try to infiltrate government. Of course, if his political views were more palatable, I might welcome him as fresh blood in a stultified Japanese political world rife with nepotism and cronyism. But, since his views are so abhorrent, he seems simply a fascist clown stirring the pot. I trust the majority of Japanese are too mature to give him any real influence. He should be relegated to the lunatic fringe like Yamada , the fascist.
俺:Yamada ?
ジョンさん:The National Socialist. Yamada Kazunari.
俺:I didn't know him. Extremely dangerous. My PC is not in good shape. Access to Internet sometimes disturbed.
俺:Rather than denying the alienation of modern life, the jargon of 'originality' represents a more insidious manifestation of this alienation. (Adorno, Iwanami Gendai Bunko, p. 73)
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