
conversation in English

俺:In Japanese public sector, there is an admonishment 'Gyousei -Shidou' against private sector. Gyousei means public administrative domain, and Shidou means advice or admonishment in general. This Gyousei-Shidou is making the public sector's activities smooth to regulate the private sector. For example, my father had a serious constipation maybe caused by diabetes. And, he was introduced to an 'coffee enema' by the dependable intestine physician. But the 'coffee enema' company had been admonished 'Gyousei-Shidou', and their repeated ignorance of that led them to be arrested, notwithstanding 'Gyousei-Shidou' has no legal legitimacy of enforcement. Next is another Japanesque example of 'Gyousei-Shidou'. In Japan, if there are a sufficient number of beds offered by hospitals in that region, another medical institution will be forced to practice without the public health care system, which means the medical institution would be excluded by the region due to tremendously high medical cost. This situation is also justified by 'Gyousei-Shidou'. As you know, I have schizophrenia and was dumped into the sanitarium. Sanitariums are large in general. I believe the reason why they are large in scale is, once the sanitarium occupies the dominant number of remedial beds, they can exclude the other medical institutes. It's nothing but commerce! The patients are treated as merchandise instead of the patient to be treated. I guess this situation must be the black box of Japanese medical system.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75Qyszz3RSg ジョンさん:It’s not a topic I have heard about. In general, however, the public sectors in Japan and Western Europe are much more predominant than in America where privatization is still the general rule. Although, Biden and his regime would like to change that. It’s one major difference between GOP and Democratic Party.

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今期 唯一の 放送大学の試験。 「金融と社会」の 単位認定試験。 言うなれば、期末テストですな。 ふぃ〜、結構難しかったぜ。 (;´∀`) 久し振りに緊張した。 「金融と社会」は、 自分にとっては ある意味 質問箱みたいなものだったから、 単位取得しちゃ...