
conversation in English

ジョンさん:Korean government will pay Ianfu mondai survivors instead of Japan. This is causing great anger in Korea. Survivors will reject the money from Seoul government. But Seoul hopes Japan will make next move and contribute money if Korea does so first. I don’t think Japan will ever pay, either Tokyo Govt or private companies. I think Seoul is mistaken. 俺:No doubt there must be political remuneration. But I cannot figure out it. Korean Presidency is always embroiled in accusing whatever kind of political drawbacks. Mr. Yun is alike. I don't think it is fruitful. ジョンさん:I think Korea is making the first major overture to improve relations with Japan to counter Chinese aggression. It is very unpopular in Korea so he is taking a big risk. If Japan doesn’t stifle its extreme Rightists and reciprocate the Korean Good will gesture, the US should tilt completely in Korea’s favor and shun Japan as an unreliable ally. It’s time for the LDP to abandon its extreme parochial nationalism and finally join hands with its natural non-communist Asian allies. 俺:If the Kishida cabinet could do, it would be a great achievement. But it will cost his political life. ジョンさん:Japan’s biggest mistake was trying to destroy Sho Kaiseki’s anti-communist regime and thereby ensuring a Red takeover of China. Not cementing ties with South Korea fir petty political reasons means Jimintou is unworthy of leading Japan. Sometimes doing the right thing is more important than doing the politically expedient thing. It is what JFK called a political “Profile in Courage.” He wrote a book on it. LDP pols should read it. I hope Kishida has political courage. 俺:You might get upset. But Kishida could be another Jimmy Carter. I read an article on him, arguing he has been underestimated. ジョンさん:Carter did excellent free-lance diplomatic work after his presidency, he went to North Korea, for example and spoke honestly about Palestine. But he was a failure as president. 俺:He is not popular in US I guess. ジョンさん:He was very popular after his presidency. The most popular ex-president because he worked very hard his whole life. But like I said, his actual presidency is seen as a disaster. Even Camp David is a huge failure because it left the Palestinian problem untouched. He should have put it in the middle of negotiations. 俺:You mean Teheran captivation? ジョンさん:No, that was horrible as well. I mean the Egyptian Israel Peace Accord didn’t touch the real middle eastern problem: a Palestinian homeland. Until Palestine is free, there is no peace. 俺:Israel technology is helping himself get closer with the Arab. ジョンさん:Wealthy Arab oil producing nations are selling out the Palestininians at an alarming rate. Money talks. Business with Israel takes precedence over Palestinian justice. Carter at least wrote a book highlighting the Palestinian’s struggle. 俺:Did he ? After all Japanese people shall get more matured. Yes. Money talks. Korea is rich and Japan has been getting poorer. It is difficult to ask the frustrated people for a good will especially in the international diplomacy. ジョンさん:If people don’t want to accept historical truth they have to face the consequences. If Japan doesn’t want to make amends with Korea, it will face the consequences. Like I said, the US will rightfully tilt towards Korea in all regional disputes. The Japanese public keeps voting for Rightists so I guess they don’t care either. When China completely dominates Asia, it will be too late for Japan to cosy up to Korea. 俺:Historicaly, Japan is always bad at diplomacy. Politicians care only about the domestic peoples. ジョンさん:If you read Profiles in Courage you will discover politicians who chose the right path despite domestic political repercussions. Maybe LDP politicians don’t have that same courage. 俺:No. ジョンさん:Yes, diplomacy is a weak point for Japan. Especially with its neighbors. De Gaulle had tremendous political courage extricating France from Algeria. I don’t know any Japanese leader like that. Nixon had great courage ending the Vietnam War. 俺:Even the invasions of Mongol in the middle ages are the outcome of lack of Bakufu diplomacy sense. ジョンさん:JFK had great courage accepting responsibility for the Bay of Pigs disaster. 俺:Japanese education shall pay more attention to teach the students on the uncomfortable truths. I mean, the negative side of our own country. ジョンさん:JSDF General tamogami would argue just the opposite, that all history teaching harps on negative things, forced on Japanese by MacArthur. He wants history whitewashed to inspire ultra nationalism. Like Abe. Korean PM Yoon has shown great political courage. If Kishida doesn’t reciprocate, he should resign. Korea shouldn’t ever try to deal with Japan after that, until Tokyo reciprocates. 俺:Luckily, the representative of foreign affairs Yoshimasa Hayashi is one of the best lawmakers. If he (and Kishida) couldn't show courtesy to Korea, nobody could do it. ジョンさん:Time will tell! 俺:I am now just reading NIKKEI shimbun, saying Japan-Korea relationship is proceding to normal directions. I hope so.

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思うに、 俺は 調子に乗っていたんだ。 折に触れて あの 政治学入門@三島の レポートは やっぱり ああいう内容に なるのが 必然だ、とは 思うが、 しかし、 俺は この世の中の 政治・経済を すべて 語ろうとした、あるいは 語った気になってい...