conversation in English
ジョンさん:“Sushi terror” is in BBC news feed today. Such a horrible trend! I’m shocked young Japanese can do such a thing. Kaitenzushi is such a famous feature of society. I feel ashamed.
俺:Japan's future is doomed.They are pampered, not knowing they have to owe the tremendous amount of fiscal debt their ancestors have been making.To such extent, Japanese, especially the young guys are lack of sense of moral.
Indifference to the order of the society easily turns to a blind worship to an icon who tends to destroy the society.
ジョンさん:It really is completely “un-Japanese” behaviour. It shocks, angers and saddens me. If this is the future of Japan, you truly are doomed. Such miscreants must be severely punished and shunned from normal society or else they will continue their evil doings.I hope your PM has the guts to do it.
俺:There are many more evil spirited persons. So called aori-driving.Aori means swaying.
ジョンさん:Aori unten= reckless driving. Every country has them.
俺:I didn't know that.The criminals who are making you upset turned out to be socially impoverished guys , with few places to live on, where they have to live without not only financially but also strong social ties. They are living in an excluded community and they can't imagine the outside world. The problem is, social poverty.
ジョンさん:The sushi terrorists are simply criminals. Poverty has nothing to do with it. They are born anti-social personality types who would be criminals even if they were born to wealth. Rich and poor both commit anti-social crimes. In the “nature vs nurture” argument, I am 1000000% in the nurture camp.In the past the yakuza took such miscreants off the streets and gave them a structure to commit their crimes in a controlled world. In the USA, anti-social youths often get into the military. In Russia, the military recruits in prisons to find cannon fodder for Ukraine. Perhaps such sushi terrorists should be given choice between prison or the JSDF.Society cannot reform such anti-social types. They can only be jailed.
俺:I agree with you in that the yakuza used to work as a deterrence to such criminals from wrong doings.
ジョンさん:The miscreant’s parents will be made to pay damages I heard.
俺:In Japanese civil law, it would happen. In this case, it may suit.I have heard such a case that a car driving the aori-driving against the cargo running slowly on the highway made it stop suddenly by sudden speed-down in front of the cargo. Of course the cargo had the visual record and, it was transporting priceless delicate machines that were damaged by the sudden stop. This damage incurred a tremendous amount of financial penalty to the aori-driving car, and it made the driver insolvent. But he couldn't escape from the financial responsibility to redeem because the Japanese civil law didn't let it. And the fool driver killed himself.
ジョンさん:In USA thefts under $1,000 are not punished in certain liberal Democratic Party controlled cities! Of course, this results in anarchy in such cities. I prefer Japanese system!We must have law and order to survive.
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