conversation in English
ジョンさん:American Tomahawk missiles coming to Japan. How does public feel? This is a big step for Nippon, buying offensive weapons.
俺:Japanese in general, including me, cannot tell what kind of missile would be offensive or not. But Uyoku will support.
ジョンさん:The fact that the public doesn’t realize the weapons are for offensive, not defensive, purposes is in itself highly significant. The government/media might want people to be in the dark about the true purpose of the weapons. Also on today’s news we heard Japan will press North Korea about the abductions issue. Coincidence??? It seems likely no Japanese are still being held in Korea against their will. Sadly they would be dead by now or unwilling to return by choice, no?
俺:In fact, there is few media that delves into the truth which is uncomfortable with the government.
ジョンさん:If the families want remains returned I could understand.
俺:Might be Asahi make a fuss. But would be ignored. The facile nature of the mentality of Japanese sometimes functions as the way to change things without difficulty.
ジョンさん:Getting tough on North Korea is always good for Japanese politician’s poll numbers. But until the Reds finally come clean about the abductions and return all remains they have only themselves to blame I suppose.
俺:Getting tough on North Korea must be not more than a performance I guess. But Sakie Yokota, whose daughter Megumi was allegedly kidnapped has great influence on Japanese political choices. She has been enshrined and the symbol of the victimity of Japanese. The supplemental election for the lawmakers is near. So LDP is appealing to the public I guess.
ジョンさん:Elections approaching. I get the picture. Election posturing.
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