

There are three indispensable elements a great GK should have I believe. 1.catching skill 2.positioning and decision making 3.observing As for the first element, needless to say, the great GK will be the man of great catching skill. The second, a GK who must preserve the goal should be agile with the strategic variants of the game. This means a great GK should be not only a man of great skill, but also is a man of great position maker. And, the first element shall be abided by the second element. Why? This is, he would not be able to face the ball if he wasn't in the correct position. To say, a great catching skill comes from a good positioning skill. Then, if needed, he must bravely rush out of the penalty area and jump at the game. The last, the great GK is the man of great observation, who is, to say, the man with an element second to none in observing and decision making. The last element will provide him great decision making, positioning and thus good catching. Therefore, the three elements I described above are the triangle of the good GK that are incorporated in each other.

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曽根崎心中 (再掲)

愛という感情が日本の歴史上にも古くから存在していたことは、 源氏物語にも書かれていることで、わかる。 しかし、 日本の宗教観念には、愛を裏打ちするものがない。 改行(節目節目で改行がある方が効果的。以下、同じ。) 曾根崎心中は、 男が女郎をカネで身受けしようとするが、...