ジョンさん:I think economic crises in the past helped authoritarian rulers gain power around the world. But I don’t think this would ever happen in modern Japan. The memory of gunkokushugi is too strong. Even Greece, which had authoritarian rule in the 1970s, didn’t take that path during the financial crisis of recent years. So I wouldn’t be concerned. Japan always rights its ship after stormy seas eventually. Crises come and crises go but Japan remains afloat. More concerning is the certain social, political and financial collapse of the United States if Biden wins re-election. That is more likely to happen than Japan having a dictatorship again. 俺:Maybe I'm so concerned to fiscal that I believe Japan is walking alone. It must not be true. Thanks ! ジョンさん:Japan always maintains an equilibrium. Things were designed this way during the American Occupation in order to prevent a recurrence of 1931-1945. The threat from Nihon Sekigun in the 1960/1970s was weathered. Nothing like that will ever occur again, no matter how difficult the economy gets. 俺:Your word sounds quite relief. Thanks.
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