conversation in English
俺:I have not noticed that today is the memorial day of Hiroshima atomic bomb, until I watch PM Kishida addressing on TV. His electoral base is Hiroshima. So, it is a timely appealing opportunity. I guess why Kanto people are unconscious of this day is, discrimination. Hibakusyas who are exposed to the atomic bomb used to be discriminated. It is intriguing what kind of complex Hiroshima peoples have influenced by the attack. Apparently, Hiroshima people are thinking that ,but for atomic bomb, there would be no wars. It is a kind of distortion. So they are jumping to an idea about every kind of war, including Russia's aggression, is linked to atomic bombs and, thus, there shall not be any kind of war.
ジョンさん:Hiroshima people think the atom bomb causes wants? Or the bomb prevents war?
Or do they believe the Hiroshima bomb was so terrible that nobody wants to start another major war because it will result in nuclear war?
俺:Listening to the speech by Hiroshima Prefecture governor, I guessed they just want an unconditional obliteration of nuclear weapons. He even challenged at mutual deterrence of possession of nuclear weapons.
ジョンさん:I’m confused. He thinks abolition of nuclear weapons will result in world peace? Or simply he wants them abolished because they are too terrible?
He thinks the Ukraine war was caused by Russia’s possession of nuclear bombs?
俺:He just wants a complete obliteration of nuclear weapons. Nothing more than that.
ジョンさん:If that happens major powers would be more, not less likely to cause wars. Nuclear weapons have kept WW111 from happening. It’s the “MAD” doctrine which has prevented world war.
俺:For them, the nuke bomb was too traumatic to think rationally.
ジョンさん:In my opinion the atom bombs were not used to force Japan’s surrender. They were used as a political weapon to frighten the USSR and also as a scientific experiment. Also since billions of dollars were spent building the bombs the US government had to justify spending all that money.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims might have prevented WWIII by showing the horror of nuclear war. Still, the bombings had almost nothing to do with ending the Pacific War.
Japan surrendered after the Russians invaded Manchuria and the Americans promised to continue Hirohito as Emperor. The wanted to preserve the kokutai and prevent a communist or anti-Emperor revolution if the war dragged on.
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