
conversation in English

俺:As you know, Republic state is a very unstable political organization. It requires very strong political theory to be maintained. So, the Emperor system is one of the convenient solutions to make a political organization stable. It goes for Japan or the UK. However imaginary it would be, a monarchy system is tenderly supported by his/her components. Then, if so, South Korea is very a interesting nation. Would you let me know your idea ? ジョンさん:Korea might still have a monarchy had Japan not killed the royal family. Many Asian countries like China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand have/had monarchies. They are compatible with Confucian values I think. The Republican ideal started with Sun Yat Sen in China, but I wonder if it ever would have succeeded had Japan not horribly defeated China in 1894-95 War? Monarchy was discredited because China lost and the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 finally killed it. The Emperor could not protect China any longer and he lost legitimacy. So, to be honest, monarchy seems more natural, in a way, for Asian cultures and societies. North Korea is proof, as the Kim family is seen just as the old Emperors were, Divine Right to rule. Living gods. 俺:I have come to an idea that the threat of North Korea has been giving legitimacy to the Presidents of South Korea. ジョンさん:Well, North Korea did try to destroy South Korea in the 1950s and has been killing South Koreans from then to the present Kim regime. I would say any non-communist Seoul government which protects South Korea from these murderous attacks is legitimate. Korean democracy is healthy and strong. They advanced from military dictatorship to true democracy. I think it’s obvious Korea’s democracy is more functional than Japan’s one party rule. Japan would do well to learn from South Korea’s Democratic experiment. I don’t think Japan’s ruling class learned anything about true democratic ideas from MacArthur.

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