
conversation in English

俺:Gibbon's text offers us great many lessons. To say , how people's whole lives are unstable even in the era of the ancient great Roman empire. However mentally decayed the contemporary Japanese are, we must be happy to live in it. I'm now 41 years old. For a long time, I was afraid of how to survive the rest of my life especially in financial aspects. But now I would not be afraid of that kind of fear. Albeit how unsure the future the Japanese people will face would be, I shall be satisfied with my life. For, after all I have been in an era of bliss.ジョンさん:It sounds like that book has a profound influence on you. Mr Gibbon would be pleased.俺:A history is totally far from the simply compiled facts ,without historians' subject perspectives I believe. We can truly learn from history through the historians' values which underlie through the portrayal of the era they observe. In other words, we can learn not only from the history of the Roman Empire but also from Mr. Gibbon's greatness as a historian.

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