

俺:Have you heard about Yusuke Narita who is an assistant professor at Yale. He uttered that the Japanese elderly should kill themselves to reduce social welfare expenditure. His utterance is a clear manifestation of young Japanese' poverty of basic morals. To my reflection, when I was a high school student, well into the 90's, young people believed the whole world will face the apocalypse when 2013 at the latest. This idea was so widely held that Oumu Shinrikyo problem was not completely detached from us. In other words, Japanese people at my ages harbored the idea that Japan (or sometimes the whole world) is doomed. Narita's immoral attitude is an embodiment of such perspective I believe. ジョンさん:I can’t believe anybody who wears glasses like him could have influence. He seems like a clown. That he is taken seriously, I agree, is a very strong indictment of youth’s lack of morality. Or simple common sense. Belief that the 2013 prophecy was real is also an indictment of Japan’s youth’s sense of reality. Such a man as Narita should be shunned by society and ridiculed. It is very very disturbing that he has any support. 俺:It is reasonable that you are upset. I cannot agree with you more. His friend, Hiroyuki Nishimura is quite notorious but very popular. ジョンさん:I’m not surprised they are friends. Nishimura is another idiot who needs a haircut and shave. Such people have no morality beyond money and fame. They only seek to draw attention to themselves. Nishimura is despicable.

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