

俺:The mass media is wondering why a movement trying to bring down PM Kishida is not active, regardless of not only the low support rate but also his announcement of raising tax. Quite interesting. When the latest discovery comes out, I'll communicate with you on that. ジョンさん:I hope he will be allowed to do his job and return Japan to stable leadership. The public should be angry with Jiminto if they keep changing prime ministers. It gives the appearance of an immature democratic system. Every nation needs political stability first and foremost. 俺:The support rate for Kishida cabinet has been picked up by a narrow but not ignorable margin. Good news. ジョンさん:I definitely need to read more about him and his views. 俺:The people are more keen on politics than they used to be. Might be there is an interesting change taking place. ジョンさん:Long overdue! 俺:Exactly. 俺:The support rate for LDP has recovered as well according to NHK poll.But NHK poll is telling the gap between the for and the opposed for the Kishida cabinet widened. The opposed is more than the for.A tax increase to strengthen the defense is largely opposed. ジョンさん:Is there wide public support for increased defense expenditure?How can The PM pass the measure without such support?People oppose raising taxes to pay for it or they oppose the increased spending on pacifistic principles? 俺:Most of the people supports to strengthen the defense. But they supposed it would be financed by issuing JGBs. PM Kishida is a man of common sense in that he articulates increasing taxes to strengthen the defense and practicing the whole election to assure the support or not if the people are for or not. My opinion, he might be thinking he escapes from increasing the defense itself. ジョンさん:I get the picture! Thank you. 俺:I wonder why Biden is asking Japan to double the defense budget, knowing the Japanese fiscal is at stake. If he asks, it must come with concrete direction that how the budget should be arranged to augment the defense ability effectively. ジョンさん:Americans always want Allies to spend more on defense. It is a matter of course, regardless of the economic problems of each allied nation. It is a routine request. Trump particularly pushed NATO allies to increase spending up to their pledged limits. They usually never fulfilled their pledges.

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思うに、 俺は 調子に乗っていたんだ。 折に触れて あの 政治学入門@三島の レポートは やっぱり ああいう内容に なるのが 必然だ、とは 思うが、 しかし、 俺は この世の中の 政治・経済を すべて 語ろうとした、あるいは 語った気になってい...