

俺:After Abe's death the voices to revise the Constitution have faded away. The Constitution had been taken for the very defect which was undermining Japan itself. ジョンさん:I’m happy to hear that. Abe’s obsession with changing MacArthur’s Constitution unnerved all-Asia. Hopefully people realize Japan’s post War prosperity was in large part due to the American protective umbrella and the luxury of focusing on peaceful economic growth and expansion without costly military adventurism.

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思うに、 俺は 調子に乗っていたんだ。 折に触れて あの 政治学入門@三島の レポートは やっぱり ああいう内容に なるのが 必然だ、とは 思うが、 しかし、 俺は この世の中の 政治・経済を すべて 語ろうとした、あるいは 語った気になってい...