俺:I’ve been to Mito、 Ibaraki University. Many classes of Open University of Japan are held at Universities located in every prefecture. Ibaraki University is not a higher ranked University in the so-called “hennsachi” hierarchy but there are so many interesting classes that I frequently take classes there. This time is quite interesting as well. The modern (from the later Edo era from the end of WW2) coal mining industry was palpably and critically important to the history of Japanese economic development. But less has been talked about it than it should have been, proportionately to its importance. Maybe it’s because the coal mining industry holds so much dark potion in Japan , including now. Anyway much should be talked about. It's a great loss to neglect it to understand Japanese history.
ジョンさん:Coal was also important in the rise of Germany in the same period.
俺:It sounds very interesting. I will take a class on the history of Germany from the invasion of Napoleon to the beginning of WW1 in June.
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