

俺:This time Russia’s aggression may have benefited Japan. The aggression has made the US recognize Russia is still dangerous. It has augmented Japan’s importance as the defense basement against not only China but also Russia. This made the US unable to abandon Japan, which is at the brink of fiscal bankruptcy. The outcome of the withdrawal from the Middle East proved to be a failure for the US. It has let China and Russia sneak into the region. This is preventing the US from directing military resources to the Far East. ジョンさん:The USA will never abandon Japan. Japan has been the cornerstone of America’s Asia-Pacific policy since 1945. What vexes Washington is the inability of Japan and Korea to mend fences and cooperate more closely with the USA to contain China and Russia.

1 件のコメント:

  1. このサイトに載せてる英文はもちろん自作だけど、機械翻訳を使うことも多々あるけど、やっぱり機械翻訳を多用すると、真意が伝わらないというか、時間があるなら、自分で英文作ったほうが誤解されないで済む。


妄想卒論その7 (再掲)

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