
conversation in English

俺:You have been vindicated. Biden could do nothing the last couple of days after his attempts to seek ceasefire with his phony hardline stance were failed. The US’s glory was marred. So, what’s in the pipeline? ジョンさん:Biden cannot activate Keystone Pipeline to reduce oil prices because left-wing Democratic Party pressure is too strong. His party is against fossil fuels. That is why gasoline is one dollar more expensive per gallon than under Trump. Inflation is also at record highs. Biden is a total failure.

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曽根崎心中 (再掲)

愛という感情が日本の歴史上にも古くから存在していたことは、 源氏物語にも書かれていることで、わかる。 しかし、 日本の宗教観念には、愛を裏打ちするものがない。 改行(節目節目で改行がある方が効果的。以下、同じ。) 曾根崎心中は、 男が女郎をカネで身受けしようとするが、...