
conversation in English

俺:Thanks for incisive comment. Very interesting and valuable. So, do you think Biden and NATO are going to enter a full-fledged military action ? ジョンさん:I think it impossible for US/NATO to actually fight Russia. It would destroy Europe’s economy. Putin will achieve his aim of detaching Ukraine from the West, then remove his troops. He has the upper hand. Biden will complain and enact sanctions but he cannot really hurt Russia and he knows it. Biden is also pushing Russia and China into closer alliance and that cannot benefit The US/NATO/Japan. In essence, Biden is a complete failure and Putin has won a huge victory.

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曽根崎心中 (再掲)

愛という感情が日本の歴史上にも古くから存在していたことは、 源氏物語にも書かれていることで、わかる。 しかし、 日本の宗教観念には、愛を裏打ちするものがない。 改行(節目節目で改行がある方が効果的。以下、同じ。) 曾根崎心中は、 男が女郎をカネで身受けしようとするが、...