conversation in English
俺:You have been vindicated. Biden could do nothing the last couple of days after his attempts to seek ceasefire with his phony hardline stance were failed. The US’s glory was marred. So, what’s in the pipeline?
ジョンさん:Biden cannot activate Keystone Pipeline to reduce oil prices because left-wing Democratic Party pressure is too strong. His party is against fossil fuels. That is why gasoline is one dollar more expensive per gallon than under Trump. Inflation is also at record highs. Biden is a total failure.
俺:I see. Thanks! But I’m pretty sure “in the pipeline” means “something awaiting or prepared in the near future.”
ジョンさん:In America “pipeline” means Keystone Pipeline at the moment. Of course, I understand the meaning of the idiom as well. In that sense, more muddling, more confusion and more weakness is in the pipeline for Biden’s Russia policy.
He’s even cozying up to Venezuela rather than drill more oil wells in the USA. He is beholden to his party’s left wing completely.
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