
conversation in English

俺:China is too strong for Japan to defy. If we were to be a Zealot, we would be completely obliterated. Anti-war sentiment is so deep-rooted that Japanese government cannot take adamant attitude toward China I believe. ジョンさん:Japan will do nothing to protect Taiwan. Nobody will challenge China over Taiwan. China is waiting to see how the attack on Ukraine develops. If Putin wins, China will be emboldened. 俺:Albeit supposing Japanese had guts to defy China, we cannot afford a war financially. We are too indebted to manage a war. Rather, we would have to need financial supports from China in the future.

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自分でも 感心するほど、 俺は 几帳面で 根がマジメなんだ。 何ヶ月も先の 面接授業の レポートネタを 今から 仕込んでおかないと、 気が済まない。 それくらいやらないと、 いい評定は来ない。 なにしろ、福島大学の 行政法の教授である 垣見先生の ...